Panic Zone is finally released
PanicZone » Devlog

This update has been in the works for a long time.
I originally made PanicZone in 2021 as we entered the pandemic as a crude prototype while getting my feet wet with Godot. It was broken and unplayable. Two years later I revisited it to see if I can make it work. The graphics come mostly from my existing doodles and only a few things were created just for this game. In its current form it still contains some minor bugs.
Other items are still on my to-do list, but most of the bugs that prevented this title from being playable have been resolved. Below is a list of changes in this version:
- FIX TransitionScreen error signal not connected
- FIX organize TitleScreen nodes
- FIX disabled start button until TitleScreen loads
- ADDED selected character variable to game singleton
- ADDED unselected character disappear from start screen
- ADDED hide unselected player at title screen
- remapped inputs/controls
- change OSD to player stats: HP, lives, time? level? weapon
- added screen at level start-displaying stage, lives remaining
- FIX game over if lives = 0
- singleton for player state, weapons, progress, etc
- HUD shows weapon item, ammo; or none if null
- error when player dies
- changed filenaming from mixed case to lowercase with underscore
- consolidate music tracks to a parent node
- selectable music per stage
- BUG: player animations disconnected
- Consolidate player scenes, sprites
- FIX screenshake error
- selectable player
- BUG: NinjaStar_body_entered method not found
- BUG: player sprite is rotated
- HP change if player injury
- BUG: ammo doesn't reset when dead
- BUG: HP doesn't reset after dead
- show icon for lives instead of text
- BUG stage only shows stage 1
- Depricate SceneManager
- user can skip copyright screen
- Pause player when entering portal
- BUG: lives shows wrong number after death
- BUG: prevent button spamming attacks
- show icon of weapon in HUD
- BUG: player stops moving when throwing projectile
- BUG player won't stop moving after powerup
- BUG: projectile only faces one direction
- BUG cant shoot after getting banana
- BUG: boost is erratic
- BUG: player boosts faster with every press
- ENEMY doesn't fall off ledge
- BUG error after entering portal
- BUG: music starts before level is visible
- BUG: no impact sound when using ninja star on enemy
- prevent spamming projectile attack
- rebuilt existing levels to use new stage framework
- updated fireball projectile
- BUG: start sound repeating
- ADD joycon analog joystick support
- impact vfx on hit enemy
- BUG: quit goes to copyright page and freezes
- quit should quit, main menu should main menu
- compose new BG music
- ADD: new BGMusic
- ADD: fire icon in weapon HUD
- change SFX pumpkin hit to ouch, smash only when dead
- variable jump press longer for higher
Files Play in browser
Apr 01, 2023
Five levels of wacky fun
Status | Released |
Author | SOYBABY |
Genre | Platformer |
Tags | 2D, Action-Adventure, Characters, Family Friendly, Funny, Pixel Art, Retro, Short, Singleplayer, weird |
Accessibility | High-contrast |
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